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You’re Welcome Kiddos: GaGa Ball

NKSD Elementary Students Love GaGa Ball

Thank you for the GaGa ball pit, I love to play, I play every day. Usually I only play 1 day a year because I play at this camp. But I made a lot new friends at school, I doubled my friends. - Athena

Each year we receive numerous “Thank You!” notes from students throughout the district. We wanted to share their voices with you all so that you can see even more of the impact your donations have.

Thank you for the GaGa ball pit and GaGa ball itself, it's been more fun with it around. - Zoe

Poulsbo, Gordon, and Pearson Elementary schools all purchased new physical education equipment with NKSF grant funding during the 23-24 school year. The GaGa Ball pits, as they’re known, are a huge hit with the kids during physical education classes and recess periods.

To whom it may concern, thank you for raising money for the GaGa Ball pit. It's very fun, and a great learning experience... - Dana and Yeimi

Students were introduced to the game during their regular physical education classes, with an emphasis on fairness, playing by the rules, and good sportsmanship. This carried on into the kid’s recess sessions, where teachers and recess aides witnessed continued fair play by declaring themselves ‘out,’ minimal arguing, and fewer conflicts in general.

Some of Poulsbo Elementary’s students were kind enough to send us “Thank You” letters expressing their appreciation. We picked out cards from Dana, Yeimi, Zoe, Athena, Amanda, Grant, Reagan and Kaiya.

You can view the cards below:

Hi, Hello my name is Grant/Amanda. We are writing this letter to you to thank you for putting the GaGa ball pit in recess. This letter was written with respect and thankfulness... The impact you did for setting up the GaGa pit for us was amazing. We are truly grateful. Sincerely, Amanda and Grant

On behalf of our donors, we would like to say, “You’re welcome kiddos.”


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